Sunday, March 29, 2009

Photographer's Rights PDF

I dropped this in the materials folder at school, too but you can fine the Photographer's Rights downloadable PDF here.

Friday, March 27, 2009

great presentations!

Thanks to everyone who was in class, on time, and ready to present. Your presentations will count toward your final project grade. I will give you each an evaluation for those in the next class.
This week you should be well into production (ie: shooting) so when you get to class next week we will be editing together one on one to prepare for the work in progress crit in a few weeks. YOU MUST HAVE WORK TO SHOW ME FRIDAY 4/3.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Your proposals

Where are your proposals, peeps? You need to get those to me by email ASAP and then be ready to present your project to the class (showing examples of other work in similar vein) this Friday.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Today seemed productive. Several of you are up to speed at this point ready to turn in Day in the Life and many of you still have to shoot so get to it! I look forward to seeing everyone's posts. We will have crit on Friday 3/12 and the intro to the final project (yes, already!).
Friday 3/20 I will be at a meeting on campus most of the day and am lining up an awesome sub for you who will speak about their work and then I will try and make it in for meetings during open lab time at the end. If I get caught in the meeting then I will expect you to post to the blog your project ideas and I will comment. A draft of your final project proposal should be emailed to me by that date as well.
Friday 3/27 You will present your final project proposal to the class in the form of a verbal and written description and a mini-slide show that will feature examples of similar work. We will get more into that when I assign the final. We should have time in the afternoon for open lab.
If anyone has suggestions on field trips they ar einterested in taking please send an email my way or comment to this post. Also, don't forget Valerie is coordinating a visit to the SFMOMA Monday 4/9. Check out her blog for more details.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Change in Schedule & Project Due Date

Ok, peeps - I hope you enjoyed class last week! It sounds like many of you need an extra week for the Day in the Life project, so consider this a gift - you get one more week to catch up on everything. A Day in the Life and any past due projects are now due on Friday 3/13. We will critique Day in the Life at the start of class that day (Friday the 13th!). We will also have potluck so bring something delicious to eat to share at the break with class! We will then look at slides and go over the final project. Your final project proposal will be due the following week on Friday, 3/20. I will need to attend a department meeting all day that day so there will be a sub and you will have that day as an open lab/shooting day. I will be available for individual meetings any time during my office hours or by appointment. I will drop a schedule for the remainder of the semester in the Materials drive this Friday. We are already mid semester!

Everyone should be in class this Friday so we can check in on your progress. Maybe we will look at a movie or I might present more slides. I want you to mostly have some time to work so bring stuff to show me and work on.

Please do not forget to submit an image to the PDN Photo A Day site listed on a previous blog post!