Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Change in Schedule & Project Due Date

Ok, peeps - I hope you enjoyed class last week! It sounds like many of you need an extra week for the Day in the Life project, so consider this a gift - you get one more week to catch up on everything. A Day in the Life and any past due projects are now due on Friday 3/13. We will critique Day in the Life at the start of class that day (Friday the 13th!). We will also have potluck so bring something delicious to eat to share at the break with class! We will then look at slides and go over the final project. Your final project proposal will be due the following week on Friday, 3/20. I will need to attend a department meeting all day that day so there will be a sub and you will have that day as an open lab/shooting day. I will be available for individual meetings any time during my office hours or by appointment. I will drop a schedule for the remainder of the semester in the Materials drive this Friday. We are already mid semester!

Everyone should be in class this Friday so we can check in on your progress. Maybe we will look at a movie or I might present more slides. I want you to mostly have some time to work so bring stuff to show me and work on.

Please do not forget to submit an image to the PDN Photo A Day site listed on a previous blog post!

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Lovin' the shoes! On the gritty broken streets in nasty cities theres still beauty. I've seen a couple others of this image - J. Beach's is the best one but, YOU saw it FIRST!
